Technology and Its Impact On Global Economy
Technology and Its Impact On Global Economy The following is a work based thing, which means it was part of something at school and since I write best when I am on Blogger, I thought why not write this over here. Enjoy me writing about the impact of technology on the global economy: Positive edition. We live in the era of the most rapid growth of technology, it is believed that we have made more technological developments in the past 10 years as compared to the amount of development mankind had ever made in the previous centuries. We are growing at such a rate that it seems almost impractical to believe that we can develop further. I mean what is the limit? Flying cars? robot servants? a sustainable model of fuel? at what point can we be able to consider ourselves as living in the ultimate future? Positive Effects of Technology on the global economy. Technology has had a very positive impact on the global economy, though we could argue otherwise as well, first let us ...