Thoughts On Things Episode IV
Thoughts On Things Episode IV: Rambling The Death Of Passion Reading I miss reading books. Its not like I don't read them anymore, but I can't deny the fact that internet has changed my perception of entertainment, and back when books were the only way for me to connect to the world, it was all I did. A chubby little kid in the corner with a book in his hand wasn't a cliche until I had done it. Obviously I was a nerd, after all,this is a blog, which is also based on the idea of reading things from a screen, though in this case it isn't parchment but instead an LCD,OLED or whatever old type of screen you're reading this from . Moving on, It was 3rd grade I think, when my parents started to be aware of my strange condition. They found it to be amazing. Why not? After all,reading books was considered much more 'intellectual' and smart as compared to watching the television or even playing outside the house. I would often hear my mother brag ...